Loose Fete & Fun Dog Show Working Group
Loose Parish Council hosts an annual Community Fete and Fun Dog Show on the King George V Recreation Ground during a weekend in June when Shayler's Family Fun Fair comes to visit. It is organised by the Office team with the assistance of Councillors and volunteer residents.
The volunteers generally work remotely, maximising electronic communications and reporting their progress to the Pavilion and Community Hub Committee.
Loose Fete and Fun Dog Show 2024
The 2024 fete was planned for Saturday 15 June and had the theme of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. Unfortunately, dangerous winds caused the last minute cancellation of the June event, and it was re-scheduled on 7 September 2024. The weather was much kinder and we would like to thank EVERYONE who supported the event.
We are always grateful to our sponsors, stallholders, volunteers, performers, and all those who attend - including our four-legged local residents! Without you, there would be no event.
Loose Fete and Fun Dog Show 2025 - Save the date: Saturday 14 June 2025
Any residents who would like to get involved in organising, sponsoring, having a stall, donating raffle or tombola prizes, hosting an advertising board, delivering programmes or helping on the day, please contact office@loose-pc.gov.uk - we would love your input to our 2025 event.
It is an event for YOUR community - so why not have YOUR say in what happens that day!