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Lorry Watch

What is Lorry Watch?

Lorry Watch is a scheme run by local residents who record the details of lorries that are using unsuitable roads or breaching speed or weight restrictions. In Loose Parish we have a 7.5T weight restriction zone down in the old village (Old Loose Hill, Rosemount Close, Church St, Bridge St, Mill St, Busbridge Rd, High Banks and Well St). In recent years, due to the housing development at Forstal Lane in Coxheath, HGVs have been taking a short cut through the zone, causing damage to vehicles, property, kerbs, signs and ragstone walls in this attractive conservation area.


Can you help?

Since December 2020, residents within the zone have proactively organised a Lorry Watch scheme and have reported over 250 overweight vehicles to KCC’s Freight Watch. They invite anyone who is in that area to actively report any sightings via email to, telephoning 03000 418181 or sending the information to Loose Lorry Watch at


Try to collect the following information:

  • Date and time of violation

  • Company or other identifying information

  • Direction of travel

  • Approximate size/type of vehicle

  • Number plate

  • If possible, photographs for identification


You can also contact the company involved directly. The more complaints received, the more likely we are to get increased awareness and less violation of the weight restriction.

Thank you for your support.

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