Loose Neighbourhood Plan
The Loose Neighbourhood Plan was "made" in 2019.
The third in the Maidstone area.
It stands alongside National and Maidstone Borough Council planning documents in determining planning applications in Loose. It was prepared from views put forward and supported by the community of Loose.
Its three main policy areas are:-
Access and Movement
Landscape Protection
Design Quality
It identifies important views and local green spaces. Potential future projects e.g. improvements around the Village Green the A229, the King George V Playing Field and Pavilion are also highlighted. It cannot stop housing development but with shape and influence it.
The plan will increase the percentage of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) the Parish Council will receive from new development i.e. from 15% to 25%. The CIL is a financial levy developers have to pay to MBC based on the plan area of dwellings built.